
Git Credential Manager

1 minute read Modified:

Hi, folks! I just uploaded a guide on how to authenticate to GitHub using Git Credential Manager in Bahasa Indonesia.

Istio Series Part 3: Ingress Gateway

3 minute read Modified:

Hi, it's been a while since I have time to write something for this blog. Last post about traffic management in Istio covers a lot of topics, a tad too much now that I think about it again. Next time, I'll aim for under 5 minutes read time for my weekly posts. Now that it's out of the way, let's talk about Istio Ingress Gateway.

Ingress Gateway
Ingress Gateway

Kubernetes the Hard Way

2 minute read Modified:

Hi! Last weekend I finally tried out the famous Kubernetes The Hard Way by Kelsey Hightower. It's a long overdue considering how long it's been since I started learning Kubernetes, but I finally made it. Here I want to share some of the gotchas that I found while trying it out for the first time.

Trying Out eBPF

1 minute read Modified:

Hi folks! Today I want to share about eBPF since I tried it out a bit last week. My friend convinced me to learn it so we can discuss it together. Many people said that eBPF will be "the next big thing" after Kubernetes and Service Mesh.

Writing Helm Chart

3 minute read Modified:

Recently I wrote my first Helm chart, well technically copy pasted someone's else and make my modifications from there, but hey finally a good time to write something about Helm.

Istio Series Part 2: Traffic Management

12 minute read Modified:

Back to another Istio post. Previously, we've set up our own Kubernetes cluster, Istio mesh, toy service and also Kiali dashboard to observe our mesh. Now we are set to try basic Istio features such as routing, traffic shifting, fault injection and circuit breaking.

Istio Series Part 1: Setup and Installation

3 minute read Modified:

Hi, long time no see! I just started learning Istio seriously so I would like a place to write down my understanding and additional thoughts I have.

Building Docker Container Image

5 minute read Modified:

Hi! We are back to another post in PPL series. Here, I will explain about how our team build small and efficient docker image that is used to ship and deploy our server side application. Our server side application is Django-based app. So this article can also serve as reference on how to build another similar python based server side application. I will skip most of the container vs VM explanation. So, you are expected to be already familiar with docker fundamental concepts such as container, container image, its layers, and container registry.

Testing and Test Driven Development

5 minute read Modified:

Sequential Software Testing Life Cycle Created by Software Testing Engineer
Software Testing Life Cycle
Perfect Happiness

Hi! Now, I'm back again to another post on PPL series. This time I will share my thoughts about testing and Test Driven Development (TDD) on my software engineering project. This post will only dive a little as to show how we implemented it. So, don't put so much expectation, mkay?

Agile Software Development and Scrum

4 minute read Modified:

2015 Koenigsegg Agera N
Koenigsegg Agera sounds like Agile

Hi! This time on the PPL series of posts I will explain about Agile. As I have previously mentioned on my other post, in this course we are required to implement an agile software development methodology, Scrum. As of now, I dont think we have pulled this of to the level where I want it to be. Hopefully, I will add more updates and improvements about our process.

git log --all --graph --oneline

11 minute read Modified:

Giovan growing his little trees
Little Tree
Metal Wire Bonsai
Metal Bonsai

You may be wondering, "Hey? Why do you give this post a git command as the title?". The reasons's are clicks, views, and sweet-sweet engagement metrics! I hope by using weird idiosyncratic nerdy title will get people to read this post. So, what do I really want to talk about here? You're already 1 minute in reading the post but still has no clue what the heck this is all about. This series of article (yup, there will be more) is written for my Software Engineering course and this one will primarily explain git.