Factory Boy

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Drawing of The Factory from The Story of Mankind
The Factory
Hendrik Willem Van Loon

Good Morning! Ever wonder how much ez life you can have if you don't have to instantiate and type tiresomely each parameters one by one of that one Django Model with 17++ null=False fields for your cute little unit tests? Sorry, that's a strange thing to ask. Regardless, I have found the solution to those miserable musing of mine. I'm pleased to introduce you to factory_boy.

Who is This Good Boy?

It's a tool to replace hard to maintain fixtures with easier to use Factory for creating complex objects. It's ripped off description from the readme, but I still can't come up with a better one.

As a bonus, factory_boy supports using faker library to generate realistic random values such as names, email addresses, phone number and many more. You will also get a factory that's well integrated to popular Python's ORM so it can support related objects and vice versa. These reasons are enough for me to choose factory_boy from other alternatives such as django-seed.

Even better, the faker library also supports id_ID locale. That means we can have the dummy user profile with name such as "Bambang", and phone number prefixed with "+62". Here is an example of the generated objects.

Python 3.8.3 (default, May 17 2020, 14:48:56) [GCC] on linux
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>>> from main.factories import UserFactory
>>> a = UserFactory()
>>> a.__dict__
{'_state': <django.db.models.base.ModelState object at 0x7f813916dc10>, 'id': None, 'password': '', 'last_login': None, 'is_superuser': False, 'first_name': 'Viktor', 'last_name': 'Fujiati', 'is_staff': False, 'is_active': True, 'date_joined': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 13, 0, 9, 14, 600439, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'email': 'sihombinggangsa@cv.mil.id', 'is_verified': False}
>>> a.profile.__dict__
{'_state': <django.db.models.base.ModelState object at 0x7f8139125700>, 'id': None, 'user_id': None, 'body_weight': 102.335683582417, 'id_card_no': '#################', 'birthplace': 'Bogor', 'birthdate': date(1910, 3, 1), 'sex': 'F', 'profession': 'Therapist, horticultural', 'blood_type': 'A-', 'married_status': 'CM', 'address': 'Jalan Ciumbuleuit No. 609\nKota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat, SG 82767', 'city': 'Probolinggo', 'district': 'Palu', 'village': 'Padangpanjang', 'phone_no': '0829827678', 'work_address': 'Jalan Laswi No. 128\nBau-Bau, PB 74579', 'work_email': 'caturprabowo@ud.or.id', 'work_phone_no': '+62 (288) 755-3935'}

factory_boy for Unit Tests

This is one such cases where factory_boy solves my initial problem. Here I don't really care about the value of other fields beside "sex" and "blood_type" fields of the related "Profile" model.

    def test_profile_str(self):
        user = UserFactory(

        self.assertEqual(str(user.profile), '(F, O+)')

factory_boy for Data Seeding

Now we can also combine factory_boy with management command to create easy to use data seeding tool.

This is the content of stok_darah/factories.py.

import factory
import factory.fuzzy

from .models import Darah

class DarahFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Darah

    tipe = factory.Iterator(Darah.GOLDAR, getter=lambda c: c[0])
    jumlah_stok = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(low=33, high=666)

While this is the content of stok_darah/management/commands/stok_darah_seeder.py.

from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from stok_darah.factories import DarahFactory

class Command(BaseCommand):
    help = 'Seeds the database.'

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        for _ in range(8):

        self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS('Successfully seeds the database.'))

This way the seeding process becomes super easy.

(env) $ ./manage.py stok_darah_seeder
Successfully seeds the database.

Notes on Handling Migration

So, not too long ago we had an unexpected error on our staging environment that wasn't cought on our tests. It was almost the time for sprint review, so the merge process is a bit chaotic. The unexpected error mentions about missing column from this table blah blah blah. We made sure to migrate our database to the latest version of our application but the problem persisted. It turned out that some migration files have been replaced with the newer one making the live database and the model out of sync.

It's a bit tricky because the new model doesn't have the same primary key as the previous version, so there is no alter table or migrations.RunPython method we can employ to save the existing data.

Thankfully we are able to reset the table and have them in sync again with our migration files. We used the ./manage.py migrate [app_label] zero command to reset the table, migrate them over again and use the data seeding tool to repopulate the missing data. Its very fortunate this doesn't happen on our production database as losing customers data is bound to be catastrophic.