Mocking External Resources

2 minute read Modified:

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Hello! Previously on TDD post we have briefly touched on the subject of mocking. Django already provides tools to mock client request and database connection. Do we need more?

Obviously, the answer depends on our circumstances. In cases where we need it, we can count on python's mock module.

This is a simple example on how to use mock's patch() as a context manager in a with statement.

class Class:
    def method(self):

with patch('__main__.Class') as MockClass:
    instance = MockClass.return_value
    instance.method.return_value = 'foo'
    assert Class() is instance
    assert Class().method() == 'foo'

I prefer the with statement way because it enables clean and quick enter and exit way to use the mocked object. But it's still a toy code though. Nothing really happens there. Should we use mock there? Probably wasn't the best place to use mock. But enough to give you simple idea how mock's side effect works.

One such example in my project is to mock the return values of anything that depends on clock. This fits the external resource criteria as the clock value is handled by the operating system. Other examples of external resource includes network connection, file read, and vice versa.

    def test_init_test_token(self):
        original_now = aware_utcnow()

        with patch('rest_framework_authlib.tokens.aware_utcnow') as fake_utc:
            fake_utc.return_value = original_now
            token = TestToken()

        token['test_key'] = 'test_value'
        encoded_token = str(token)

        now = aware_utcnow()

        with patch('rest_framework_authlib.tokens.aware_utcnow') as fake_utc:
            fake_utc.return_value = now
            t = TestToken(encoded_token)

        self.assertEqual(t.token, encoded_token)
        self.assertEqual(t.current_time, now)

Other examples where we use patch() as decorator and mock object instead of return value.

    def test_get_raw_token_patched(self):
        # Should return None if header lacks correct type keyword
        # Should return None if an empty AUTHORIZATION header is sent

Now that we know a little about mocking objects and return values, dare I ask, Can we mock all the things? This is an interesting question brought up on this stackexchange post. How much mocking is just right for your project? TL;DR, it depends on how much isolation level you need for your code under tests. For our current project, only mocking external resources works. At least for now.